Now in the Web Client! Choose Layout

Yes, we gave up printing (from all of the good reasons of course!), but we still need to review our documents – especially official ones, or the ones meant to be sent out, such as sales quotations. For this purpose exactly most of us warmly embraced the “Preview” option. It allows you to review the document from a different angle – verify not only the details but also the look and feel, and make adjustments if needed. To allow you better flexibility and greater freedom of choice, the Web client for SAP Business One enables you to choose the layout you want to use for document preview instead of being bound to use the default layout:

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In every list view and detailed view where the “Preview” button is available, the option “Choose Layout” is added, opening the list of all Crystal Report layouts created for the given object:

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Select any layout and choose “Preview” to load the selected document(s) in a separate tab. Note that your choice applies to the current document(s) only, and does not affect the default layout setting that can be done in the regular SAP Business One client.

Available in SAP Business One 10.0 FP 2105 and SAP Business One 10.0 FP 2105, version for SAP HANA. This tip and all the other tips are available on SAP Community. You can also visit the Implementation Arena for useful implementation tips.