Save Doc Address to BP? Yes, You Can!

Most of the time most things are as usual. Same process, same flow no surprises and no need to deviate from the regular root. That’s true most of the time but sometimes… we need to do things a little different. For example usually, when creating documents we use the billing and shipping addresses that were defined in the business partner master data, but there are cases where we define in the document a new address – let’s say customer new warehouse, and then we need to save it in the BP master data as well. Well, don’t worry about the extra work – the Web client for SAP Business One enables you to save a new address to the BP master data directly from within a document:

Save Doc Address to BP. Yes You Can

When defining new address in a document, you may choose whether to save the new address to the BP (by default, this field is set to ‘No’). When choosing ‘Yes’, a field for entering the address ID is populated, and you can also set the new address as the default address for the BP and that’s without having to leave the document or open the BP master data for this action. This option applies for both billing and shipping addresses.

Available in the Web Client for SAP Business One 10.0 and Web Client for SAP Business One 10.0, version for SAP HANA. This tip and all the other tips are available on SAP Community. You can also visit the Implementation Arena for useful implementation tips.