Plot # 225/1/F PECHS Block 2, Sindh, Pakistan

Adapt Filters. Get The Data You Need

Too much information? Important but not relevant? Need something else? Yes! The Adapt Filter activity is dynamic and the data we need changes accordingly. To keep up with the dynamic requirements the Web client for SAP Business One provides you highly flexible filter bar in each list view, chart and overview screen. You can use the fields that appear by default to filter the list:

Adapt Filters. Get The Data You Need

In each filter fields there are various options for entering values (depends on the data type) which allow you to reach fine-tuned results. For example, in the Document No. filter field you can enter several ranges, using the listed conditions:

Adapt Filters. Get The Data You Need

But, this is not it. You can customize the filter bar – add and remove filter fields as needed by clicking the “Adapt Filters” button:

Adapt Filters. Get The Data You Need

In the “Adapt Filters” window you can choose which fields to use as filters (user-defined fields are supported) and enter filtering values, in addition you can choose whether to display them in the filter bar or not. To apply your filters click the “Go” button.

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