Save Doc Address to BP? Yes, You Can!
Most of the time most things are as usual. Same process, same flow no surprises and no need to deviate from the regular root. That’s true most of the time but sometimes… we need to do things a little different. For example usually, when creating documents we use the billing and shipping addresses that were […]
News in The Report & Layout Manager
Freedom of choice. As much as we appreciate the right to choose, people are creatures of habits – most of us drink the same coffee every morning and go to sleep at the same hour every night. In business things are even more structured – companies operate most of the time based on well-defined routine […]
Apply Action to Doc. Row or Rows?
Every one of us is a user. Anyone who looks at a screen, even just for consuming content, without user name or account, is a user. We all have our user experience – clear preferences for apps, web sites, color themes, and so on. One of the main factors that set our preferences is efficiency – […]
Set Default BP Catalog Number
Ever noticed that there are many things we don’t notice as long as nothing changes? Think about it – we notice that the milk ran out only when we want to have coffee, right? That’s because we have habits and … defaults! And same apply to businesses. If you are using business partner catalog numbers, […]
Permission to Remove Opportunities
Sales or purchasing, opportunities are very useful for managing and tracking the activities before signing the deal. Yes, they don’t result in journal entries nor affect the inventory or financial reports, but still – all the data recorded in the opportunities is highly valuable for the business, especially for maintaining the relationships with customers and […]
Read-Only Users Can View Change Log
Change is the only constant in life and… when it comes to business – tracking changes is highly important. The change log enables authorized users to access previous versions of a given record and view the changes made in each version: Authorized users? Yes, similar to most features and functions, accessing the change log of […]
Emailed Document? Check the Status!
For many of us sending files by email is the preferred way of transferring documents to recipients – it’s fast and easy – you don’t even have to get up from your chair… following the increasing usage of email in businesses, the ability to track it and follow up becomes more and more important. To […]
Export Payments & Deposits as PDFs
It works for quotations, orders, invoices… many of us can’t even think about using any other form for transferring documents, and let’s not mention paper… yes, of course we are talking about PDF! With the continues increase of PDF replacing hard copies, and the ongoing adoption of the PDF as a valid form for official […]
Check the Check Balance in One Click
Electronic payments in various forms are becoming more common than ever – no doubt that we are on the fast track towards a world without money (as we know it). But, until coins and bills become collector items, cash and checks are still valid payment means. If your customers are paying for goods and services […]
Microsoft 365. Now in The Web Client!
From simple lists to complicated reports – we all use spread sheets. So basic and yet so powerful… no wonder that exporting data to spreadsheets has become a standard feature. SAP Business One has been supporting export to Microsoft Excel since forever and recently the option to export from the regular client to Microsoft 365 […]