Discover The Lists That Save You Time

People are creatures of habits. Especially when it comes to work. Based on your role, you have your set of tasks to perform on a regular basis. And yet, it is not uncommon that while in a middle of task, an incoming call or instant message pops in with urgent request for information or task… and then – what were you doing beforehand?

To help you find quickly the functions you frequently use and get back to what you just recently did, the Web client for SAP Business One introduces the “Recent Activity” & “Frequently Used” lists:

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Both lists are generated automatically. “Recent Activity” is actually your browsing history in the Web client. Clicking an entry opens the respective record or app. Document number, BP or Item code are displayed for better transparency and efficiency. For list views, the view name is displayed and in case of search, the searched value is shown. The “Frequently Used” list collects the apps and records accessed by the user most frequently at this time. You can use it as your “favorites”.

If from some reason you want to deactivate these lists, switch it off in the User Activities section in the Settings window. To delete both lists click the “Clear” button:

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