It’s End of Fiscal Year in Inv. Counting

Lots of different items, or just a few? Huge things or maybe small parts? Either way, you have to count it and record it properly. When inventory counting is distributed between various counters and takes place during few days you may end up with multiple inventory counting documents with different count date and one common ground – they are all relevant to the same fiscal-year end. To reflect clearly this parameter, the Inventory Counting and Inventory Posting forms are enhanced with a dedicated field:

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The “End of Fiscal Year” is an informative field where you can enter the date to which the counting or posting are relevant. Later on, when generating the “Inventory Counting Transaction Report” you can use the “End of Fiscal Year” date range as a selection criteria:

Its End of Fiscal Year in Inv. Counting 2

In addition, you may use UDFs as selection criteria for this report.

Available in SAP Business One 10.0 FP 2008 and SAP Business One 10.0 FP 2008, version for SAP HANA. This tip and all the other tips are available on SAP Community. You can also visit the Implementation Arena for useful implementation tips.