Let Guided Answers Show You the Way

We live in an amazing era where the amount of knowledge is not only growing rapidly, but it is also highly accessible. In such environment, reaching a dead end or encountering a problem that has no immediate solution can be frustrating and… time consuming. But hey, you are not alone in this! To reduce research time and increase your efficiency, you are invited to try “Guided Answers” – a self-service support application, that guides you through a “decision tree” concept to the solution:

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The content is created by SAP topic experts who document the steps they take when troubleshooting an issue. Here you can either look for specific issue using the search option on the right side, or access the relevant topic in the list: 

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Once you select a topic, high level description and list of main sub-topics are displayed. When diving in to a sub topic, additional breakdown is made available, and friendly navigation options enable you to proceed towards the solution:

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“Guided Answers” content is growing, covering more and more topics. You are welcome to try it and provide your feedback! Additional information is available here .

This tip and all the other tips are available on the Tip of the week community page. You can also visit the Implementation Arena for useful implementation tips.