Plot # 225/1/F PECHS Block 2, Sindh, Pakistan

SAP Links. The Menu for Your Links

SAP Business One Tips and Guide – 16th September 2024

“Everything is connected to everything else”. Rings a bell? Apparently, this quote is attributed to several well-known figures – notable examples are Leonardo da Vinci, Gotthold Ephraim Lessing, Jean Piaget, and Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. Although “it’s been around” for quite a while, it feels that nowadays this sentence is more relevant than ever! Connectivity brought to our lives new levels of efficiency, simplicity and convenience – almost everything is literally one click away. In the spirit of things, SAP Business One enables you to bring closer the assets and websites you are using on a regular basis by creating links to them in the solution:

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In the “SAP Links – Setup” window under Administration > Setup > General, you can define links to relevant assets and websites. The entries you define will then appear in the “SAP Links” menu, enabling the users a direct access to the target assets or websites, without disrupting the course of work to look for a shortcut, or run a search:

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The first six entries open official resources and websites – they are predefined and cannot be removed or edited.

SAP Business One Tips and Guide – 16th September 2024
For more SAP Business One Tips and Guide, visit SAP Tip & Tricks

SuperNova Solutions

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