Customize The Enterprise Search

Search engines are fascinating and becoming more and more sophisticated. So much that if something is not found we tend to believe that it does not exist… One of the things that makes a search engine great is its ability to identify the most likely to be desired results amongst the possible results and show […]

Each User Can Create & Use CFL Views

With the continuous withdrawal of COVID19 getting back to work at the office is becoming more and more common. We get dressed, commute (hopefully not too long), meet our colleagues in person, and … have the coffee corner conversations! There when making our coffee, each colleague has her/his preferences: in a small glass, very hot, no […]

All You Need to Know is Here

When did you last open a hard copy of a user manual for a home appliance in attempt to find certain instructions? Well, I can’t remember either, because – well – we look for everything we need online – from cooking recipes via investment recommendations to medical advices. Looking (and finding) information online is amazing. But […]

Update Serial & Batches for More Docs

If you are managing inventory you already know that there is nothing simple about it, especially when having items with serial or batch numbers. Similar to other aspects in business, following well-defined processes and keeping records of each step are keys to successful operation. To improve monitoring and tracking of serial and batch numbers, SAP […]

Payments on The Fly in The Web Client

Practice makes perfect. Can’t argue with that – the more you repeat a task the better and faster you get… to a limit. After this point, the only way to accelerate the performance is by enhancing the process itself. Receiving and issuing payments are common tasks performed on a regular basis by every business. To […]

You Can Block Executable Attachments

The digital revolution began in the later half of the 20th century, and feels like technology keeps evolving in accelerated pace. Software and codes are everywhere, and if previously the word “Attachment” covered handful of file types, today it’s uncountable! yes, there are images and documents of different formats, but there are also many formats […]

Remove Time Sheet? Only if Allowed

Many of us spend most of out waking hours at work. Some report the time spent by projects, others keep record of the start and end time of each day, and there are those who just have to declare their days off. Regardless the group you belong to, and the granularity level of your time […]

Refreshing News about Refresh Record

We are surrounded by changes – big and small. Slow changes, and sudden ones; huge organizational change or just finetuning for a step in an existing process. Think about the text that you are reading right now – it is also a result of a change – your feed has just been refreshed with new […]

Update Prices in RecurRing Transactions

There is no way to deny or ignore it – prices are rising. We see it everyday as consumers in the grocery store, at the gas stations, when paying the bills… those of us who run businesses also see it at work – raw materials are more expensive, storage, transportation and other aspects are affected […]

Show UDTs in Menu & Home Page

Having hard time to choose? Frustrated by too many options? can’t decide where to spend the next vacation? Home styling direction? New career path? While we can’t help you resolve the above deliberations, we are able to save you some others. We can tell you that when using the Web Client for SAP Business One, you […]